Allure of Pinecrest
414 S. Wesley Avenue
Mt. Morris, IL 61054

Situated on 6.5 acres of lush greenery and surrounded by an exquisite walking path, Allure of Pinecrest is a cutting-edge rehabilitation and nursing center, complete with independent living apartments and duplexes, and a range of healthcare services.
Mt. Morris Senior & Community Center

The Mt. Morris Senior & Community Center offers helpful, fun, and supportive services and activities for older adults and others that range from community support groups to helping with Medicare Open Enrollment to hosting breakfast with the Village President to exploring the U.S. on exciting bus trips.
Rock River Center

The Rock River Center focuses on older adults and the services they need such as outreach and referral to families or adults seeking government assistance, Medicare guidance and other benefits such as prescription assistance, tax preparation, homemaking, meals on wheels, transportation, and volunteer opportunities.
Lee-Ogle County Transportation System (LOTS)

Lee-Ogle Transportation System provides public transportation to everyone. Those 60 and over or disabled are encouraged to pay a donation while all other ages must pay a fee. Our goal is to provide safe, efficient, and economical transportation. For more information or to schedule a ride, call 815-288-2117.